As parents, we know that our teens sometimes need more support than we can provide. Finding the right therapist for your teen is crucial during this period.

Let’s face it. The teenage years are weird and confusing. They are at a crossroads, where they are often treated like children but are also expected to think and act like adults. When faced with judgment and ridicule or “failing” to meet expectations, it can lead to self-doubt, esteem issues, and even anxiety and depression.

Teenagers are very aware of what is happening at home, school, among friends, and in society. They have their own opinions, feelings, and needs – all of which are valid. But they often don’t feel comfortable sharing them for fear of judgment or dismissal.

As a parent or caregiver, you do your best. But it’s a challenging time for both you and your teen. It’s not something you should beat yourself up over. There are many parents in your shoes.

Sometimes, they just need a safe space to fully voice their feelings and work through their inner struggles with someone outside their family and friends. They need a trusted confidante who has their best interest at heart. And I’m here to help.

Hey there! I’m Katie Osgood, LPC-A: Accepting, Nonjudgmental Therapist for Teenagers in Houston

Katie Osgood LPC Associate Therapist Houston, Texas

I genuinely love working with teenagers. In graduate school, I worked at a high school, giving me a front-row seat to the challenges teens face during this strange, exciting, and overwhelming time in their lives.

I also witnessed how wonderful, impressive, and hilarious they are.

Watching teens struggle with the pressures of school, relationships, family issues, and the everyday challenges of being a teenager ignited something in me, leading me to focus solely on teens and young adults. 

Teenagers are on a unique and turbulent journey during these years. As a therapist for teenagers, I am keenly aware of the delicate balance of tending to their inner younger selves while being respectful and mindful of the adults they are becoming. 

And it is my honor to help guide them on this incredible journey.

What to Expect in Therapy for Teens With Me

First, I want teens to know that our sessions together are really theirs, not mine. My teen clients have autonomy in my practice, which means we’ll work toward the goals most important to them. I may officially be a therapist for teenagers with more mental health education, but in reality, we are just two humans sitting together in a room.

Pink therapy chair in Texas

My therapeutic style is relaxed and relational. But that doesn’t mean it’s not impactful. When your teen is comfortable with me and truly understands that their opinions and feelings are valid and that they have a voice, powerful changes happen.

Here’s what your teen will get with me:

✅acceptance ✅validation

Here’s what your teen won’t get with me:

❌judgment ❌ridicule

Rest assured, your teen’s voice will always be heard here.
In fact, I encourage them to speak up if what we’re doing isn’t working or if they want to change things up. I also encourage them to be open and honest with me about anything, including if I say or do something that upsets them.
Healthy communication in therapeutic relationships is vital to making positive changes toward your teen’s goals.

And another thing: therapy for teens doesn’t have to be all doom and gloom. There’s always room for celebration, humor, and laughter!

Common Issues Addressed in Counseling for Teenagers

Teenagers today deal with some of the same stuff you did as a teenager – social issues, school pressure, body changes, sexuality, and everything else in between. But in today’s day and age, your teen deals with all that and more.

The unbelievable influence of social media, Hollywood, and the internet itself has created an abundance of problems affecting teens’ mental health. Even if you try to shield them from it as best you can, it’s everywhere. And it can be pretty damaging.

While every teenager coming to me for help is wonderfully unique, there are some common issues I often address, including the following:

I also know that sometimes, what teens struggle with doesn’t necessarily have a “name.” They may feel:

No matter what your teen is dealing with, it’s all valid here. We’ll work through it together.

Modalities Often Used in Therapy for Teens

In therapy for teens, I use evidence-based approaches proven to help challenge and overcome some of the most common issues teenagers face. The two most common include:

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT)

CBT challenges your teen’s inner critic and harsh inner voice. Because many teens have an inner belief system telling them things like,

“I’m unlovable,”

“I’m not enough,”

“Others will only love me if…”


“I’ll only be accepted when…”

They tend to view things through negative and painful lenses. CBT challenges and corrects negative thoughts and beliefs to help your teen see things through a clearer, reality-based lens. This can help them have more compassion, understanding, and empathy for themselves and others.

Dialectical Behavior Therapy

DBT gives your teen the concrete skills to use outside of therapy to help regulate emotions, handle challenging emotions, and communicate effectively. They can use the skills they learn through DBT in arguments with parents and friends and at home, school, and practice. These valuable skills give your teen a sense of control and help them feel less overwhelmed when faced with difficult situations and emotions.

depressed teen, depression therapy for teens in Texas

Benefits of Counseling for Teenagers

Therapy for teens at Resilience Counseling and Wellness can equip your teen to overcome and effectively handle challenges that come their way now and in the future. The benefits of counseling for teenagers include the following:


Your teen deserves to learn, grow, and heal in a safe space.

Setting your teen on the path to feeling more confident and finding life fulfillment starts with contacting me!

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